Registration closed

Currently the application is closed!

Students who are already enrolled in the relevant Master’s degree programme at one of the participating universities will have another opportunity to apply for the EUMaster4HPC (start winter semester 24/25).

only on

6 September 2024
Prerequisite: Already enrolled in one of the Master’s programmes mentioned !
(The university for the first year has therefore already been determined!)


 For the winter semester 25/26 the application process will be reopened. Expected from the end of October 2024

Please note the different enrollment deadlines of the corresponding national study programs (see below) you have to enroll for if you are selected for the EUMaster4HPC program. These deadlines must be met.

Feedback of your application will be 3-4 weeks after the application deadline of the current period


 EUMaster4 HPC – EuroHPC

Student Portal EUMaster4HPC

Corresponding national study programs

Corresponding national study programs
FAU: CE – Computational Engineering (MSc)
KTH: MSc Computer Science
UPC: Master in Innovation and Research in Informatics – MIRI
Uni.Lu: Master in High Performance Computing
Master in High Performance Computing (
USI: MCS – Computational Science (MSc)
Polimi: High Performance Computing Engineering (laurea magistrale – equivalent to Master’s Degree)
SU: Master’s in High Performance Computing (HPC)
Master’s in High Performance Computing (HPC) | Sorbonne Université (

Student mobility scholarships

Eligible students* will be awarded a “Mobility Scholarship” to support expenses inherent to the programme (travel and accommodation). Students must sign a scholarship agreement with the university to be able to receive the scholarship in amount of 5.000 € per year. 

Tuition fees

In order to achieve an inclusive and equal programme, the EUMaster4HPC will waive University fees for the eligible students*.

Summer school

The summer school is a mandatory part of the program:

Required Bachelor degrees for EUMaster4HPC

– Applied Statistics
– Bachelor of computer science and engineering
– Bachelor of Science (Special) Degree in Physics
– Bachelor of Technology, Computer Science and Engineering
– Bachelor of Technology, Electronics and Communication engineering
– Bachelor’s degree in Informatics Engineering – major Computer Engineering
– Bioinformatics
– biomedical engineering
– BSc Information and Computing Science
– Computational Engineering
– Computer Engineering / Computer Science
– Computer Science
– Computer Science and Engineering
– Computer Science and Mathematics
– Computer Science and Software Engeneering
– Data Science and Engineering
– Double major Mathematics and Computer Science
– Electrical and Computer Engineering
– Electrical and Information Engineering
– Electronic and Computers Engineering
– Electronics and Communication Engineering
– Electronics and Computer Engineering
– Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
– Embedded Systems Engineering
– Fisica (Physics in English)
– Informatics
– Informatics, Computer Engineering specialization
– Information and Computing Science
– Information Engineering
– Information Technology
– Informatique
– Major in Computer Science
– Matematica per la Finanza e l’Assicurazione
– Mathematics
– Mathematics and computer science
– Mathematics and Life Science
– Mathematics and Science Computer
– Medical Informatics
– Physics
– Science in Informatics
– Software & Information Engineering
– Software Engineering
– Statistics and computer science

*Eligible students

Students coming from Member States and Associated Countries that have chosen to become members of the Joint Undertaking and who comply with the programme requisites:

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, the Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Turkey.

Please also check the current countries at: